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Practicing Marches on E-flat Clarinet
It’s summer in the United States, which means lots of hot days, camps, and band music! Having just spent two weeks on faculty at...

May Video Spotlight
As the school year and concert season wraps up, I always find myself looking forward to exploring new pieces over the summer months. If...

Teaching and Practicing with Small Ensembles
With all the repertoire and exercises that normally need to be covered in studio teaching or personal practice, it can be hard to be...

Preparing Technical Orchestral E-flat Clarinet Parts
This month's post is inspired by my freelance performing over the past year or so. I spend most of my time teaching, and play in an...

Altissimo and Alternate Fingerings: Making or Breaking Your E-flat Clarinet Experience
An E-flat clarinetist deals with a number of pitch inconsistencies inherent to the instrument, and similar to someone playing piccolo,...

3 Essentials for Successful E-flat Clarinetists
There are so many elements involved in playing clarinet. We have books and exercises for most anything you can think of - breathing,...

Practicing Versatility: How to Add Auxiliaries into Your Practice Routine
Have you ever been called to play with a group, and then scrambled to pick up an auxiliary instrument? Most clarinetists I know would...

Welcome to the E-flat Clarinet Project!
Welcome! This resource has been something I have wanted to put together for quite a while - probably at least five years now. I started...
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