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August Practice: Week 4
Welcome to the final week of the August Practice calendar! Hopefully you're feeling confident about your E-flat clarinet playing now, and...

August Practice: Week 3
You're halfway through the August Practice Kickstarter! Dig into the details a bit with some more challenging etudes, exercises, and solo...

August Practice: Week 2
It's week 2! Time to add a bit more detail to your E-flat clarinet practice. If you're just joining us, check out the post from August 1...

August Practice: Week 1
Welcome to Week 1 of the August Practice Calendar! Each week, I will outline a few thoughts on each topic in the practice calendar. For a...

August Practice Kick-Off
Welcome to the August Integrated Practice Kick-Off! With the school year and concert season starting in a few weeks, now is the time to...

Teaching and Practicing with Small Ensembles
With all the repertoire and exercises that normally need to be covered in studio teaching or personal practice, it can be hard to be...

Practicing Versatility: How to Add Auxiliaries into Your Practice Routine
Have you ever been called to play with a group, and then scrambled to pick up an auxiliary instrument? Most clarinetists I know would...
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